Sore throat, headache, cough, fever or elevated body temperature, body aches, little or no sweat, runny or stuffy nose with yellow discharge, a red tongue body w/ yellow coating. If the heat is very deep it may cause nausea or vomiting, depressed appetite, abdominal distention, chills and fever, heavy sweating, irritability, strong thirst
It's a type of common cold. Of course, in Chinese Medicine we never say 'common cold' because we're awesome and we know there are DIFFERENT types of cold. Anyway, I have one. And it's a heat not a cold.
As you have learnt from the above passage, I am suffering from a depressed appetite. While you might think that would make me happy, it's in fact just making me sad that I have no cake.
Because I'm the luckiest girl in the world, here are the THREE cakes I got for my birthday this year.

How amazing does that look?! Thanks Summer! It gave me a Chron's attack, BUT IT LOOKED AWESOME SO WHO CARES?

Fabian's sister made this for us! It had our names underneath in gorgeous hand made fondant too! She made us a ZEBRA CAKE people, ZEBRA.

Okay, your eyes may still be dancing in joy after the zebra cake and you may have not quite registered what this is. That is my mama's reforma. In other words, THE ABSOLUTE best tasting cake. In the world. Ever.
Now moving on from cakes, something I don't want to do - I have said that I'm doing a photo a day. Now that my blog is finally working properly I will post day 4. Here it is

As the keen reader may have noticed (Ha! Currently I have 1 follower and it's myself...I did notice.) I said that a shelf would be arriving on which i'd put my two amazing antique drawers, WELL, that hasn't happened and I can't be bothered explaining why, so here is one of them perched precariously on the thingo that holds my towels.
Gorgeous right? Right.
Nani x