Okay, that's almost up to date. I happen to have not taken today's picture yet. I have had such a great week. My uni are ass-whores and instead of giving me a week off mid semester, they chose to give me the Easter break which everyone is entitled to plus today and tomorrow.
Though as I said, I have been having a great week. Easter and all Easter related days were wonderful, chocolate filled and as you can see by picture day 5 I got to see gorgeous Audrey. Because we have been absolutely blessed by perfect weather, sun kissed days etc, we went to Karkarook Park.
By we, I mean Fabian, his sister Nova and I. It was gorgeous, though sad because there was loads and loads of blue-green algae in the water.
Yesterday my whole day was eaten up because my mama's best friend Ivan went overseas and I was driving to the airport. It's never felt like a really long drive because when I get there, I usually park and stop and say goodbye etc. But yesterday we just dropped him off and I was driving again! 3 hours, and I was so sore from sitting constantly. I have no idea how Ivan does it - he's a taxi driver. Luckily both Fab and mama came along, and so while I don't prefer to drive with my mum anywhere, Fab balanced it out.
Then, in order to chill out after a horrible driving day etc we played Heores. What's that? You don't know what Heroes is?! Heroes of Might and Magic II of course! The most wonderful game in the planet UNTIL YOU GET FREAKING OWNED BY RED CHARACTER.
Today Fab and I did a lot of sweet nothing, a bit of lunch, some Bunnings adventures for the Aquaponics system he's building in the back yard. What's that? You not only don't know what Heroes is but you aren't certain what AQUAPONICS IS? Well. I haven't the patience to answer your mortal queries right now. Perhaps you'll be lucky and get a whole post dedicated to it at a later date.
Go watch Lewis Ck on youtube.
Nani x