I am so very tired. Last night I was woken at 3am by my friend, the telephone. Then again at 5am by the monster that lives in my roof that always seems to wake at that time.
You may think I'm joking, but I'm not. We used to have an avocado tree, and from the tree possums used to scamper into the roof and drive my sister nuts. Then I moved into her room and totally understood what she'd been talking about the entire time. After much complaining and annoyance, the avocado tree got cut down. Not just because of the possums on the roof, but because our neighbours complained about leaves in gutters etc etc.
After that, the possums stopped. Now is the time to mention that apparently there is no space between my ceiling and the roof - no attic type thing. Apparently what I was hearing was possums ONTOP of the roof not in it. I totally don't buy it. It sounded like they were about 3cm of thin plaster away from my head.
It was not that long after the avocado tree's removal that I heard a familiar scampering. I thought, 'that's okay. It's probably just a lone rat.' It was nowhere near as bad as when there was a whole platoon of possums who'd run sprinting competitions on a nightly basis. I got used to hearing this small scampering occasionally, and because I'm not an asshole, I decided not to do anything about it (like rat poison etc.).
Not to mention I have no idea where I would put said rat poison seeing as apparently there doesn't exist a space where I could put it and I don't think piffing rat poison onto the roof would be effective. AND what if it wasn't a rat, rather a mouse? What then? Rat poison doesn't necessarily work on mice.
However, since then, this creature has grown. I decided it was no longer a rat, but must be a possum. Too loud and heavy to be a mere disgusting rat. Then it became a fat possum. Really heavy footed. It was now taking to waking me frequently in the middle of the night, actually rousing me from my slumber.
After I was woken last night by my fat friends usual 5am wanderings I realised that the creature sounds now as though it's about 25 Kg. THAT IS A FAT FUCKING THING. There is NO WAY that is a possum. It's some other huge monster that's shacked up in my roof. Yes IN my roof, I totally don't buy the 'we don't have a space between the roof and the ceiling' business.
Anyway, that meant that I woke with one hell of a headache this morning, which - surprise surprise, turned into a cracker of a migraine. Ahhh, what a crap way the start the day, A GOOD day too. Not only was it perfect weather again, but I was meant to start back at Uni today but instead recieved a call from school saying class was cancelled! Booya!
Poor Fab had to deal with me crying over the pain in my head and explaining I'd had horrible dreams about giant mammals in my attic that had the face of Voldemort.
I've been in top form lately when it comes to acting a bit loopy around people who love me/put up with my behaviour. Last night I had dinner with Libby who unfortunatelly got insight into what i'm like when I'm having a fat day. Every second sentance was me being totally pre-occupied with my weight.
Funnily enough, today, once I managed to kill my migraine with a combination of DISPRIN and Codeine, I felt really good about myself. Infact, I've made this new rule that I'm thus far abiding too. Go to the gym everyday. On the days that I don't go, I am not allowed to eat any sweets. At all.
That may not sound like a big deal, but it TOTALLY is. I eat chocolate about 3-4 times a day. Seperate occasions. You know, like, kit kat for breakfast, brownie as dessert after lunch, then some chocolate when winding down before bed kind of stuff. It's my arch nemesis and the reason I am the owner of a mega butt.
So, me saying I won't eat sweets is a big blow to my fatenemy, it also means that I've gone to the gym every single day since I started the pact which is a big plus (nevermind that this has only been going on for 2 days.)
Oh, and! Exciting for you and terrifying for me I'm going to take some of those full frontal in my undies shots and then some more in a month or two or whatever so we can all see my progress!
Um, no, i'm not posting them til I have some AFTER photos where i'm looking like a total babe which will balance out the sadness of my BEFORE shots.
Oh, and before you go imagining some Biggest Loser scenario (I FREAKIN LOVE THAT SHOW AND HAVE AN ALMOST UNHEALTHY LOVE FOR THOSE PEOPLE), I need to clear this up... I am not really actually fat. I am not happy with my weight, but I only really need to lose about 7 kilos. I know many many people have it way harder than I do BUT that doesn't mean that I should get to that stage, right? It used to be 'oh I only need to lose a kilo or two...' then that 3, then 5 and now it's 7. It's a bad pattern.
Also, I have Chron's disease which means when I get sick I get put on steroids which make me balloon and I have Diabetes Mellitus (type 2) in the family. So I should really be doing all I can to put me in the best situation to begin with so I can avoid diabetes and when I get put on steroids I only gain a bit of weight that is then manageable to get rid of later.
Okay, that's enough for tonight I think. Will post my 'Year in the Life of Nani' shots tomorrow.
Love N xx