I had a combination of a great night and a not to great night.
Lots of my dear friends were there, and I wasn't getting overwhelmed with 'the boys' (the ingenius name i've given to Fabian's cluster of school mates). Aleks went out of her way to come even though she had something else on later and Libby and Chloe came which was all awesome.
Chloe whipped out her camera at some stage and much hilarity ensued -

It was great weather, good good good food, great company yet I managed to totally spaz out over the amount of chairs, enough that I drove to my house and got back to Fabians with an entire bench in my back seat, 2 fold up chairs in the boot and a few stools in the front seat. Which were entirely not needed might I mention.
I also almost had a steak-related panic attack, so add in the fucking gorgeous looking/tasting cake and I pretty much ensured a Chrons attack. It's still bothering me today, but I am confident it's just a short stint and will be fine by tonight!
I have been writing an assignment for most of the day, it's for my 4th year subject which is all about the Shang Han Lun.
For those of you that don't know what that IS, ignorants, it's a text that was written in China in 200AD and that is pretty amazing and awesome.
I decided to jump on here when my powerpoint presentation suddenly froze and my computer was 'thinking' for minutes and then unexplainably shut the unsaved program I was working on. I have since managed to re-open it and THANK MY LUCKY STARS it autosaved and I am pretty sure I can avoid going to the toilet over that freak out.
Tonight is family birthday dinner for Fab with his family (not a strangers family, because that would be weird). I am going to try and smash out the rest of this assignment, while furiously saving every couple of seconds, so I can go and enjoy this perfect day. (yes, remember how cold I said it was a few days ago? Well, we're in Melbourne - and today I can't complain!)
N x