Monday, April 25, 2011


It is very cold.

Please note the Indian Summer post I did, last week. Yeah, now we've been getting a months worth of rainfall over a span of few days and IT IS CHILLY OUTSIDE. Like, hot damn, chilly. Makes sense right?

Last night I caught up with an old old friend. Not like, he's OLD, rather we've been friends since we were 11. I was very happy to see him! He has a blog you should all read. Yes, I am talking to you my several thousand secret readers - don't think I don't know you all exist.

Ari's Blog

I am off into the city today, even though it's cold. Fab and I are going on a DATE and we are looking around to find presents for one another because it is TOMORROW that he has his birthday and 5 DAYS LATER I have mine.

So, what's other news?I've been using this teeth whitening gadget I got off the internet. Gosh, re-reading that sentance made me wonder if I knew nothing of the prime trustworthiness of the internet and I checked to make sure all my teeth were still in my head.

Anyway, it came with this blue uv light that fits in my mouth, and when I remove it about .5 litres of saliva drains out of my mouth. I have no idea if it's working, but i'm having a great time every morning strutting about in my knickers pretending i'm a robot with blue lights in my mouth.

A pretty unimpressive robot, I admit, but cooler than my current completely humanoid self.

What else? My current quest to relinquish control in all aspects of my life is going okay.

NOTE: When I just checked 'relinquish' at (don't judge me) It said 'to relinquish the throne.' Yes, THE throne, I wish my quest was as dramatic.

Anyway, it's going okay. Fabian is still controlling the relationship, and I have kept texting friends to a minimum "What are you doing? When are we hanging out next?" etc. You know, that gives them to chance to actually text/call me if they give a shit.(note: am terrified I will discover I have less friends than I initially thought.)

Luckily I have had the excuse of planning my birthday dinner thing to call places, book and organise or this would've been too cold turkey for me.

We're having a barbeque at Fabian with some friends of ours and then I'm doing a dinner thing with my other group of friends which should be nice

This blog entry is going to be cut short now because my feet need more warmth, the stocking and flats combo i'm rocking currently totally sucks.

N x