So this blog has been outed. Perhaps it's strange, but this was a blog I was writing and no-one knew about it except myself and Fabian. Though he never read it, infact, he didn't even know what it was called.
This ensured that he wouldn't read it outloud in a 'love-songs-and-dedications' voice, which he does with his sisters blog which makes me cry with laughter. I'm sure if it was my blog he was reading outloud in such a manner there'd be no laughter, just crying.
Last night at dinner my sister said 'you should write a blog.' something she says quite often, without realising I'd heeded her advice. This is when Fabian outed me.
So, now that the name of my blog has been outed (and laughed at, haw haw!) I have deleted my lame posts from before and will try to just keep a steady blog that is deserving of having other eyes read it. Of course, now that i've written this no one will even remember that I have a blog and this will never be read. Stop trying to pretend like you don't care Nani!
In spirit of living my life in a slightly more exciting manner, I got into an argument with an elderly man on the tram the other night. Yes, I know, old people suck right? To be fair to myself, he was being a racist to a tram full of foreigners and I simply directed his attention to me because I thought it was unfair.
He called me 'a fuckin' four eyes' and also told me I was 'too fuckin' ugly to be Austrajan anyway.'
So, once I got over the heart palpitations that I'm sure most people get when they fight with terrifying 70+ year olds, I had a good reason to laugh. Four eyes. Classic!
Oh and before I move on to another topic, I can already tell that you're not on my side, rather you're on oldies side but screw you. No he wasn't crazy, or a poor war veteran, he was a dickhead that was making everyone around him scared and cowed. So I was right and he was wrong. Moving on.
Pottery class was great today, nothing like some good ol' clay to help me forget the traumatising pictures i'm subjected to every Friday morning in my Dermatology class. Yes, I do pottery. Yes, it's awesome. Yes I have to study Dermatology. Yes it's gross. No, i'm not doing it because i'm some sort of hipster who thinks taking up 'totally random' hobbies makes me so 'outrageous'.
However, yes, I probably will post photos on here of my work sometimes and NO they will not be polaroids. I am truly not that cool. Hey you're lucky i'm not doing fucking crochet.
N x