Monday, April 25, 2011


I am going to try and document A Year in the Life of Nani. Kind of like 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich' by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, but less winner of Nobel Prize for Literature and more like Crappy Photos.

So, starting on my birthday


Okay, before we go any further, I don't plan on every photo being OF me. My narcissism doesn't extend that far. BUT this photo is pretty rad, the racist man on the tram would have a psychotic episode if he saw this.

Remember he called me a 'Fuckin' four eyes!' Well, there are 3 glasses on the creepy man in the picture behind me, 1 set on my face, and 1 set on the Felinni badge i'm wearing! GO SPECTACLES!

And that leads us to day 2

2.Geek Chic

No, look, seriously - I don't plan on all the photos being of my beautiful face in 365 different pairs of glasses. But to be honest, I thought it was important for me to dispel the theory that in every photo there is of me I am eating. Note: display picture and others on blog.

As it happens buying those new glasses yesterday WAS the most interesting thing that happened and in a fair representative of my day.

I am off now to paint me some eggs!

Nani x