So, starting on my birthday

Okay, before we go any further, I don't plan on every photo being OF me. My narcissism doesn't extend that far. BUT this photo is pretty rad, the racist man on the tram would have a psychotic episode if he saw this.
Remember he called me a 'Fuckin' four eyes!' Well, there are 3 glasses on the creepy man in the picture behind me, 1 set on my face, and 1 set on the Felinni badge i'm wearing! GO SPECTACLES!
And that leads us to day 2

2.Geek Chic
No, look, seriously - I don't plan on all the photos being of my beautiful face in 365 different pairs of glasses. But to be honest, I thought it was important for me to dispel the theory that in every photo there is of me I am eating. Note: display picture and others on blog.
As it happens buying those new glasses yesterday WAS the most interesting thing that happened and in a fair representative of my day.
I am off now to paint me some eggs!
Nani x