It's done! Work is finished.
I am now spending some time musing what I will buy with all my new cash. That's right NEW cash!...perhaps I emphasised the wrong word there, new CASH! CASH MONEEEY!
Well, an i-pod is definatelly on the list. I mean, it's just one of those seemingle necessary items I just don't have and never have had and I can't be the only person in the world without one, amiright? I am. It's going to be some wonderful bright colour.
I am also most of my way through a delicious giant block of white whittakers chocolate. Do you want to know why that's exciting? It's exciting my little darlings (my many many darling readers...I can't pretend like I don't know you exist anymore!) because I thought that they had DISCONTINUED making this gem of a chocolate.
So we all know that Whittakers makes Cadbury and Nestle and all the other brands it's little bitches because it's made in New Zealand and it's so gorgeous and ethical and tasty.
And let's be honest, white chocolate has been on a massive decline since Cadbury etc started fucking with the original ingredients - it started tasting pretty bland, flakey and weird.
Whittakers saves the day though! Woo! Delicious, tasty, sweet real tasting white chocolate! Get on it.
So what else? I made my triumphant return to the gym today, which was successful in the sense that I actually went and was non successful if you look at how much good working out I did.
I'm starting to gear up for the end of semester now. I'm just putting the finishing touches on my last 2 assignments and when they're done and dusted i'll start exam revision! Wooo!
Out of my 5 subjects, I've already sat the exam for one which was laughable. (It was counselling, like that was going to be hard.) I just need to hand in my journal which has been annoying to write. It goes something like this:
'Today I decided to just speak up and say what I think in class instead of worrying that the other people there will judge me. I had to remind myself that all the other students in this class are Naturopaths, and why the hell would I care about what they think. It's not like they know anything anyway.'
True story.
I'm expecting my period any minute and I want to try and have a handle on all my assignments before then, because during my last 2 bleeds i've been completely loopy. It's because i'm Xue Xu (which means Blood Deficient, for all you non chinese med readers...which is all of you.)and when I lose blood my brain stops working. Yep!
Now i'm off to do an assignment for musculoskeletal traumatology, i'm doing the knee (thanks Chloe for the hands on knee experience!) and the neck (thanks migraine inducing neck of mine!)
Love to the hundreds of you,
Nani x
P.S It has been brought to my attention that though I thought I'd fixed the comments issue on my blog it infact wasn't working!
Gah! So I've fixed it now (I think) and you should be able to comment now if you want even if you have no google account. You can comment annonymously telling me I have a big butt and i'll never know it was you. (Though I will know it was you Fabian.)