I believe that my lipsticks are actually soul mates, and they were going to huge lengths/taking massive risks in order to be reunited.
I love them so much I've been taking vain photos of myself in the mirror. On that note: Why is it that vain photos were SO MUCH easier when I was 16? Was I just way better looking? I find 1 in like 10 photos that are acceptable as a myspace shot.
Ha, yeah, myspace. So 2005.
Anyway, here is my gorgeous lipstick AND MY GORGEOUS FACE.

Well, actually, that's only part of my face. In the real photo for some reason my left eye is like, twice the length of the other eye. I'm just going to hope that it was some weird anomaly and not my face slowly melting.
Today I had pottery and I was learning to throw. In case you don't know what that is, it's when you use the pottery wheel and make pots out of really wet clay.
This is what throwing is:

When Fab and I were in Vietnam we visited a Pottery Village where they don't have electronic wheels but rather there is a dude kicking the wheel while this old lady makes pots. In the photo up there is Fabian having a go at the wheel with the old ladies help.
I'm hesitant to put a photo of myself having a go because I took the photo above, and because Fabian's hands were covered in clay, when it was my turn our taxi driver took the photos of me.
The village is a while away and you only stay for about 10 minutes to see the pots and then the villagers like you to go, so our taxi driver offered to stay to take us back to Hoi An. We were pleasantly surprised when he went to the village with us and joined in on the pot tour etc.
Now, when you're going to villages in Vietnam it's recommended that you dress modestly. I was told no dresses, shorts are fine and to cover up my arms with a shirt. I did this, and got approved by the women at our hotel before leaving.
However, the taxi driver managed to take many near pornographic photos of me making the pots.
I SWEAR that I was dressed appropriately, but that angle...it just kills me! You can imagine the hilarity/shock when we perused through the photos later that night.
Anyway, it's taken me almost a year to try and learn how to throw pots in my pottery class and today went really well! Jenny (my teacher) said it was surprisingly good. Throwing is famously difficult and there is some crazy saying about how it's 7 years on average before you can feel confident in sitting down at the wheel and creating a good pot.
So having created 1 tiny pot successfully today is my achievement for the week! (I attempted at least 10 and they all died a floppy, wet death.)
<3 N x