I have been flat out super busy. You think that's a petty excuse? I haven't washed my hair for over a week and at one stage I realised I hadn't showered in 2 days. Now, that is busy if I do say so myself.
What have I been doing this week that has made me abandon my throng of dedicated readers? Well...I played a very quick game of Scrabble with Aleks, I decorated a cake Nova baked for Libby's 21st (and wrote a speech!).

I agreed to help my sister out with some work she needs done urgently (this has been number 1 time user) AND I went to 2 parties last night.
One of them had so much t+a everywhere that I felt like tits and ass would be all i'd ever see again. Like one of those fctory workers that looks at bottles all day long on a moving thing, and then they crash their car cause they can't see the road, only bottles.
Well, that was me only with boobs. Where was this magical land? It was my friend Victors birthday party. He seems to only be friends with girls who have painfully good bodies, and so it makes sense that the theme for his birthday was 'things Victor loves' and it was suggested girls go in uniform of some sort.
I felt proud to be the odd one out. Only in the sense that I wasn't dressed like a mega ho. I would probably trade a few teeth to have a body like one of those girls.
What else happened this week? I watched Masterchef. Wonderful masterchef. I went to uni of course. I worked at the clinic, of course.
Oh! Novak Djokovic is absolutely smashing the shit out of the tennis scene at the moment, infact, he has been doing so all year, so there is a lot of patriotic pride happening in my house.
It has been brought to my attention that I look exactly like Nole (as we call him lovingly in our home.) when my hair is cut short.

Yep. Pretty sure we're related.
That's probably it for the passed week. In a dirty haired nutshell.
I realised today that I have become completely addicted to Spudbar. I found myself thinking about how good it will be to eat at spudbar tomorrow. If you don't know Spudbar, get to know it. It's a place that serves Potato Spuds. With anything on top you may want. This is my order:
- Spuds
- butter
- corn
- sweet chilli sause
- jalepinos
- sour cream
- chives
I'm still waiting on either lipstick 1 or 2 to show up. I don't mind which. However, at least one has to soon.
My friend Chloe has hurt her knee and i'm going to try and fix her up as best I can either tomorrow night or Tuesday, poor thing. I may take photos if she'll let and then you can all see a little bit of acupuncture.
I'm just waiting on some fish and chips to be brought to my by my loving boyfriend and then i'm going to watch Merlin and Masterchef. It will be excellent.
<3 Nani.
P.s I am sorry for neglecting you my little blog. I will try and not do it again x