As you all know, I am potter extraordinaire. I am a fountain of beautiful ceramic artworks, they flow from me as easily as...water out of a tap.
Until now. Yes. Tragedy, horror etc. I start back at pottery tomorrow, and while at first I was excited - I am now kind of sad. I have no inspiration. It's run dry. No idea what i'm going to do tomorrow.
On the other note: motivation. I feel perhaps i'm being a little harsh on myself. I have been going to the gym loads and that takes a huge amount of motivation if you're me. Also it's only really been missing since I got sick at Easter and, as you all know because I won't stop whining about it, i'm still fluctuating between sick and fine.
Today was another rubbish day. I don't feel like my rooms (I'm lucky and though I live with my mama I have the entire upstairs to myself as my territory) are homely enough. Today I needed comfort and I just felt like everything was cold and messy and blergh. I need to put some work into that I think. You see, I live in a really beautiful house that mama designed herself. It was tailored specifically for me. And I don't appreciate it ANYWHERE near enough.
Yeah, I felt some slight nibbles of motivation and inspiration just then.
Oh, and while we're on that note. Sorry if my photos of the day have been totally shit house. I never claimed to be a photographer. I set the challenge to see if it could:
a) motivate* me to do more awesome stuff every day
b) make me realise that I already do plenty of awesome stuff and that I needn't feel i'm wasting my life on computer games
c)push me in a creative manner
*There is that word again!
Thus far it has worked in all of those areas marginally. It hasn't actually made me do anything awesome just so I could take a photo - and i'm glad because that would be lame.
Taking the photos does make me feel like I do some pretty cool shit sometimes though, you know; Karkarook Park, Conference, Jam making etc.
But on some days it's just rubbed it in that I did nothing all day, absolutely nothing worth taking a photo of and that I do sometimes spend too much time playing heroes.
Speaking of which...

13. Aleks's Fish Brigade
Remember how I said I had that massive talk/love with my best friend Aleks yesterday? Well, she has this amazing fishtank which her boyfriend got her for their anniversary and it has over 20 gorgeous little fish in it. She was telling me Jason has picked up on her fish fascination and has his own tank now, but that his one has like 60 fish that are a rainbow of colours. How freaking gorgeous does that sound?
And on the topic of animals, today I was working at my sisters which means I got to hang with Natasha and Sonia (her dogs that are loosely named after us. They're sisters too.)

15. Simba
That's my friend Luke and Natasha. She likes it when you hold her high in the air and sing the song from The Lion King. She pretends she's Simba. She also likes it when you hold her in the air just like this but sing songs from dirty dancing and she pretends she's Baby.
And i'd just like to point out that I am for once, up to date with photos! Victory! Number 15 was taken just a few hours ago!
N x