Seeing as she lives in Coburg I had totally forgotten the gloves were in my lap by the time I got home. I got out of the car and whilst doing so lost one of the gloves. I was really sad about this and to make things worse I lost the birthday lipstick i'd bought myself.
Bad year for losing stuff, great.
I had a think about it and decided that I loved both lipstick and gloves enough to buy both AGAIN, so I hopped online, re-odered my painfully expensive lipstick and told myself i'd ask Libby where she got my gloves, and then i'd simply have 3 gloves and would always have a spare.
I got home, got out of the car and stepped on something kind of squishy...VOILA! GLOVE! Albeit wet glove, but HUZZAH!
I then realised that this means I will no-doubt find my lipstick now that i've already paid for the new one. This however does not make a sad Nani, this rather makes me very happy because I will now have TWO excellent lipsticks.
As promised some photos...Firstly, Fabian's helmet. I spent that entire day with my Sweet Bear doing kick ass fun things in the sun. Like eating overly salted chips and playing in the garden.
7. Sweet Bear
Then dinner with Libby, glove buyer extraordinnaire :
8.Mr Wolf
Day 9 was spent doing not much but going to Bunnings to buy new stuff for the aquaponics set up and playing heroes. What a marvellous day! That was not sarcastic by the way. 9.Aquaponics
Now time for bed/recovery for my throat.
Nani x