I am just relaxing in the lazy boy as my mother prepares me dinner. That's what's meant to happen on mothers day right? Your mother tries her hardest to be a kick ass mother. Well, mine is pretty kick ass most days.
Yesterday she tried to convince me and a handful of other people that a statue of a horse was real. "It's true, sometimes they can stand still, just like that, for hours"
Never mind that it was made of brass and mounted on a giant slab.
She was trying to convince us of this yesterday, as we all spent the day at the races for Luke's 35th birthday. It was great, we were totally the best dressed people there. If you ignore the fact that the other people were deadbeat gamblers (there was even a guy with no feet, reckon he gambled them away? HO! BADJOKE!) then the fact we were the best dressed is something to be proud of!
We won some fat stacks and ate some lovely food!
My new glasses have been a hit, I got them on Tuesday and since then i've had 2 people say 'Oh! You got glasses!' when I point out that i've actually worn glasses since the day they met me and that these are just new frames one of them actually argued with me about it insisting she'd never before seen me in glasses.
Today I saw a totally kickass note book I want.
Here is a photo!

The Little Prince is one of my all time favourite books. This is one of those moleskin journals, but with Le Petit Prince and an image from the book etched into the front!Oh! Don't worry! I'm not a bitch like that- I wouldn't hide this treasure from you!
If you too love The Little Prince you can buy this very notebook here:
The Little Prince Notebook!
And yes, that is my cute little foot in an orange sneaker in the corner of the picture...yes I have orange sneakers...YES I HAVE TOO MANY SHOES GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.
Nani x