I've done it again, I know.
I'm sorry. I'm so neglectful!
So a quick update, I'm working like crazy and have been trying to juggle lots of things at the same time. Sadly, i'm a bad clown and these are the balls that have been dropped:
-My room looks like a bomb site, complete with an empty nutella jar and my entire wardrobe on the floor
-I haven't been to the gym in weeks! Like 2! And you're kidding yourselves if you think I haven't been eating sweets. (see above: nutella jar)
-Hair, again, is going unwashed, for AGES.
-Photos! I've well fucked it. The whole photo a day thing that is.
And probably a good thing too, it's not like i'm a very good or creative photographer anyway! If I had been, the passed few weeks would be filled with photos of me sleeping or working, or many photos of my or my sisters dogs. Riveting.
However, today is the last day I will be working and then it's time for school work. I bet you just can't wait for the juicy tales of how my exam preparation is going! Hells yeah!
I have actually managed to do a little of some stuff since I last wrote, like the new aquaponics set Fab and I are working on is pretty kickass. I've also been watching somesweet DVD's and I'm working on something really cool in pottery at the moment.
My coil pot came out beautifully and I'm working on a present for Fabian for his graduation WHICH, by the way is soon. Not the ceremony but he's seriously only weeks away from finishing his degree and starting honours. I'm very proud. In case you can't tell.
Okay, now it's back to work or this will actually extend to tomorrow and i'm determined it be done today!
<3 N x