Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The golden days, summer of 2013 and my personal challenge

I’m sitting in one of the empty offices at Prahran Malvern Community Housing where Fabians mum is generously letting me use up the internet. I have Taylor Swift singing at me through my headphones and I feel almost euphoric.  

Outside it’s a gorgeous 29 degree day and I feel that life is pretty close to perfect. I know that I am living through a golden period in my life. I’m in my first apartment where everything feels perfect even though there are water stains on the ceiling and our carpet is wonky. Our friends are over most days and we both laugh and smile so much. Neither of us are working or studying or doing anything but enjoying each other and what is the summer of 2013.

Soon Fabian will go back to study, he’s been accepted into the Masters of Urban Planning at Melbourne and I’ll get a job. The bills will be easy to pay but stress will become a normal part of life again and I’ll go back into therapy and these lazy days in our sun-drenched apartment will be over.

I worry the above scenario is the inevitable but I also wonder if it’s perhaps not. 2013 is going to be my year where I will challenge what I think is the norm/inevitable/expected. I’ll do my best to push my limits and live my life in a way where I put my happiness and well-being first.

Hopefully there will be more pottery, DIY, reading, writing, sleeping, laughing, cooking and dancing this year.

Wish me luck gang,
Nani xo