Well hello there!
I am back, you may have noticed my absence or perhaps you aren't as avid a bunch as I thought. Let me clear this up, I AM back and by back I mean I feel alive again.
I didn't write about it on my blog before because I hate the idea of having an online whinge and being a poor-me style blogger. I had my Gall Bladder out 2 weeks ago and felt like death herself for a couple of days. I've managed to bounce back, finally, which is lucky because Fabian was in hospital too.
He did his knee at soccer a day before my operation and hasn't been able to move it since! In the meantime he's had to deal with a deep vein thrombosis, blood thinners, a bleed, immobility and finally things are ok and back on track with him too.
We are totally balls at the health thing, but we figure it out somehow.
I sit here bruised, missing my gall bladder and ugly, looking at my boyfriend with his swollen, damaged leg that'll probably need surgery and I can't help but realize how lucky we are because we're together and in love and somehow we aren't too jaded.
So let me fill y'all in on what's new in relatively quick dots points
- This post is being created on my brand spanking new iPad that I bought while Fab was in hospital so he'd have something to play with. See, at the time I didn't know how long he'd bein there for and I'd wanted to buy an iPad for ages so when there seemed a good reason to buy one...I did! Of course, he got discharged that morning, but it doesn't matter because we're loving it.
-Skyrim is kick ass still, which is great. Fab bought that for me as a way to take my mind off the upcoming operation and the pain etc, which was very sweet of him and has proven useful for doing just that. We're playing it on the new flat screen and playstation3 we also bought...yes, almost all savings down the drain...and it's great. Good, big purchases, not lost on everyday stuff.
- Weight loss is going very well too, the operation helped that along a bit I must admit! Im 8kg down since I started watching my food ect in October so I'm over the moon about that, I don't think I'd classify myself as chubby anymore.
- I have realized how precious all my friends really are. They've been wanting to visit loads and I even got 2 cards. CARDS people, how old school and awesome is that!? I've also got to spend heaps of time with my sister which has been really, really cool.
- Mum gave me a sewing machine. It's going to be my latest project...watch this space.
That's all for now, expect more updates now that I'm up and about.
Nani x