That was one of the happiest times of my life and I think i'll always treasure those golden days.
I went shopping with my new friend Molly (who i've actually known for 5 years yet for some reason have only struck up a friendship with her strange life is!) the other day and we share a love of good vintage clothes.
We both wound up with some killer dresses and skirts. As I write this i'm wearing an 80's dress, 100% polyester with removable shoulder pads...I don't think I want to remove them!
Of course, Cyndi Lauper started playing on my itunes and the whole mood was created. She became one of my idols when I was 16 and I still think she's one of the coolest people to look up to.
I have more or less recovered completely from my surgery, i'm experiecing some systemic weakness but that will pass with good sleep and time...and i'm happy to oblige my body with as much sleep as it needs!
I started working at my student clinic last week, which was very exciting. Of course, I was assigned the first week of reception duty so I didn't get to treat any patients - which worked out for the best in the end because I got zapped of energy very quickly.
Now sticking to my vintage theme of the day, i'm off to play Heroes of Might and Magic II and see what Fabian's up to.
Love Nani xx
I visited Fab and his aquaponics garden was bursting with chillies, green tomatoes and mint!

Here I am, very happy with the harvest and my 80s dress