Thursday, January 5, 2012

Why resolutions aren't shit and why i'm so happy

I haven't had any new years resolutions for the past 2 years, more because I couldn't really think of any rather than that I think they're crap.

This year I had a few though and I was really compelled to make them stick, so they're written into my beautiful new diary and I am telling everyone so that they can help keep me on track.

1) be less fat (I have lost 5kg since the end of October! woo!)
2) wear more heels (I have lovely legs and I look nice in heels, but i'm often to lazy to wear them)
3) Only do what I want to do.
4) Start an online store for my pottery/creative ventures

Okay, the explanation for 3) can't be summed up in a quick sentance between brackets. I have had enormous trouble the past couple of years with my will power. It's very tricky to try and explain it but i've cared far too much what others have thought of me (an issue I never had in the past) and feelings of obligation have placed me in situations I find boring, unsatisfying and draining.

This year, i'm not doing any of it. I made a massive discovery towards the end of last year that has really given me the strength to make some big changes. I have been really happy this year so far, that sounds silly but the happier I am for longer periods of time the more motivated I am to stay that way.

I hate feeling like there are things I should be doing but can't for whatever reason. That's why, this year the moment I realise there is something I should do/want to do I do it or start the process immediately.

It's been really liberating.

And, speaking of which I just remembered my car is a mess and has been for almost 6 months now - so i'm off to clean that up a little.

Love Nani x