The other day in class my teacher was describing the symptoms of Endometriosis and he said
'...will experience an intense sudden pain that will stop you in your tracks. Like being kicked by a horse.'
And I thought, 'Ooh! I know what that is! I have that because of my PCOS, a teacher explained to me once...'
So, I put up my hand and ask, 'is that like, tenesmus?' I was so proud for knowing the terminology. See I've been using this technical medical describing word for almost 2 years now to describe a pain that I used to refer to as Vagina Lightning.
Because it feels like Vagina Lightning - obviously.
Toby: No...tenesmus, as far as I know is the unbearable urge to defecate.'
Me: No it's not. It's a sharp pain that can radiate up the vagina or's blood stagnation is Chinese Medical terms.'
Toby: Nope. Pretty sure it's the unbearable urge to defecate.
At this stage, Toby get's google up instead of the slide show presentation he's been showing us and OH AND BEHOLD.
te·nes·mus definition
Pronunciation: /tə-ˈnez-məs/
Function: n
: a distressing but ineffectual urge to evacuate the rectum or urinary bladder
About an hour into the class I facebook my friend who's sitting next to me (because being on facebook while occasionally paying attention to your lecture is the only way to survive a 9pm class)
''s only just starting to sink in that for 2 years i've been telling people I have an unbearable urge to poo.'
And the giggles began, uncontrollable, shoulder shaking laughter which of course we're trying to keep silent because we're two of only 7 people in that class. We had to make an emergency exit to collapse outside the room in peals of laughter.
Later I apologised to Toby and explained that I had only just realised that I had been telling people that I was having unbearable urges to poo, with a really serious face (because im in pain when it's happening people, it is freakin' vagina lighting after all.).
Toby: *laughing at me quite a lot* yeah, it's not just the unbearable urge to poo, it's the painful unbearable urge to poo.
Oh. My life.
To change the topic of how much of a total retard I am, here is my latest pottery stuff.
It's actually quite a deep bowl, but you can't tell from this picture...
And here are some...coasters? Set of tiles? Quartered placemat?
Oh! And on a totally different note, all my seeds are sprouting and i'm SO FREAKING EXCITED!! I'll post super boring photos of sprouts soon!
Love Nani xx