After uni a friend came over and we played Settlers of Catan and I WON BOTH TIMES (sorry, the capitals were just there as an attempt to make myself feel better for not being allowed in the honours room.)
I've only ever won that game 3 times, so that's pretty good. 2 in one day I mean. I mean, if there was an honours for being the most honourable winner of the game, then I would've gotten in yesterday.
Today I am back in the Deakin library, which is actually quite nice and I really like working here. (It's much nicer than being in some room full of smarty-pants', I mean imagine how crap that would be?!)
Before we came to uni though we went to the Chiropractor and while Fabian was having an adjustment I was trying to do something with my hair. See, it's very long at the moment.

At night I become a white shining eskimo.Obviously.
Anyway, it was super short a year or two ago - like almost shaved short. And I've just been letting it grow ever since because it was a horrible disaster. It was serving me very well for awhile there, but now it's too long. I always just bunch it ontop of my tiny head (which makes my head look even tinier) or I wear it down and it looks lank and weird and centre-part-y. Not party.
If there was a party on my head I wouldn't be complaining. Obviously.
While Fabian was at the Chiro I got bored and started looking at my reflection in the car rear-view mirror - as you do. Then I did a little bit of make-up putting on, some black head inspecting and then I found a big clip in my bag and I decided to do something 'fabulous' with my hair.
Fabian comes into the car and just says 'Nice hair, shell-head.'
Apparently, my attempt at glamourously wrapping my hair around my head resulted in me looking like a Guylian Shell. These are Guylian shells:

I don't know which one he was thinking of when he said that, best case scenario he's talking about the seahorse one.
Whipping out my phone I decided to take a photo of myself. A very embarassing thing to do when your phone is set to very loud and the camera clicking sound draws everyone's attention and there is a huge flash of light so everyone who turned around knows exactly who was taking a photo and then they all saw that it was me...and now everyone at Deakin library is thinking 'Wow, that weird shell head girl is taking photos of herself how lame.'
I can't help but think none of this would've happened had I been in the honours room.
Go figure the photo didn't even work.
Now thanks to Fabian's description, I can only assume that this is what I look like right now, in which case all the snoopy people in the library can't really blame me for taking photos of myself because I am AWESOME looking.

For all the people that don't actually know what I look like, or just can't remember - I usually look like the hot version of me on the right. Not the pale limpet looking version on the left.
Now I really should dedicate some time to Travis, a 24 year old male who is 6 ft 1 inch tall, right handed and whose blood pressure is 130/85 left arm seated.
(Travis is the case study i'm working on, not my secret boyfriend - just to clarify... Though he does sound kind of hot. I wouldn't post about my secret boyfriend on my blog though. I may not be allowed in the STUPID HONOURS ROOM but I'm still pretty smart. Obviously)
Nani x