As in...Musculo-Skeletal Trauma(tised!)
That's it for that subject too! Man, am I glad we're almost there. One more to go and that's tomorrow 3 pm. Wish me luck!
My friend Alie and I have been studying like crazy the passed week at my house. Yesterday I realised i'd seen the sun for the first time in a few days - that's when I realised I was well and truly into my exams.
She's been coming over in the mornings and we've been shutting the blinds whipping out our notes and collapsing half dead infront of the TV at 7:30 for masterchef, dinner and home time.
I can't wait for it to be over. I have crazy wild eyebrows that cover half my face and i've literally had no time to fix them. I feel like i've won a victory when I squeeze in a shower and I can't believe it but I still have 1 pair of clean undies left in my drawer.
I will sit this exam with undies! Now that is not something I've always been able to say.
Also I've somehow magically managed to not get fat on this set of steroids. However I feel like that's just a disaster waiting to happen so I can't wait to hit the gym. I feel like any second Icould blink and my whole face and body will transform into steroid bloat.
Not a pretty picture.
I tried just then to post a not pretty picture of me with steroid bloat to prove my point but blogger won't let me do it. I can't believe blogger thinks my bloated face is too ugly for the internet. Harsh blogger. Harsh.
Speaking of swelling, I need to go and learn the difference between the manifestations of local and systemic inflammation. Blergh pathology.
I hope to return to not-so-boring, completely exam unrelated posts AS OF TOMORROW.
Love N xx
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Why, yes, you can ask me anything you like on pustules, macules, watery or bloody exudate, acne, folliculitis, carbuncles, furuncles, alopecia, eczema, acne, shingles OR genital warts.+
You know why? Because I totally smashed my dermatology exam that's why.
Hells yeah.
I am very relieved, I was particularly worried about these first two exams because I've been really disabled when it's come to studying this past week or two.
Today finally the bowl I was making for Fab came out of the kiln. I've painted fish all in the inside and i'm pretty happy with how it's come out. It was meant to be a graduation present but seeing as Fab did his last exam a week ago and his technical graduation isn't for a few months, Fab got it today as an inbetween.
Ah, and I have to admit I may have gotten a bit carried away with the 'fish' theme. I spent a few hours hunting down what I thought was the perfect fish tank, full of 3 beautiful fish to go with the bowl.
Fab really likes them, which is lucky because at the start he was a bit shocked and overwhelmed. Fair enough, they're pretty cool. I have real trouble getting my head around the whole fish love thing.
Aleks and her boyfriend both have these huge cool tanks that are full of loads of fish and they know all this technical stuff. Fabian has always loved fish, fishing, now aquaponics, he used to want to work with fish. Fish fish fish.
I just seem to kill them a lot. I'm definatelly more of a dog girl.
I'll get around to posting photos at some stage again, I just seem to have gotten completely slack about it.
Love N x
You know why? Because I totally smashed my dermatology exam that's why.
Hells yeah.
I am very relieved, I was particularly worried about these first two exams because I've been really disabled when it's come to studying this past week or two.
Today finally the bowl I was making for Fab came out of the kiln. I've painted fish all in the inside and i'm pretty happy with how it's come out. It was meant to be a graduation present but seeing as Fab did his last exam a week ago and his technical graduation isn't for a few months, Fab got it today as an inbetween.
Ah, and I have to admit I may have gotten a bit carried away with the 'fish' theme. I spent a few hours hunting down what I thought was the perfect fish tank, full of 3 beautiful fish to go with the bowl.
Fab really likes them, which is lucky because at the start he was a bit shocked and overwhelmed. Fair enough, they're pretty cool. I have real trouble getting my head around the whole fish love thing.
Aleks and her boyfriend both have these huge cool tanks that are full of loads of fish and they know all this technical stuff. Fabian has always loved fish, fishing, now aquaponics, he used to want to work with fish. Fish fish fish.
I just seem to kill them a lot. I'm definatelly more of a dog girl.
I'll get around to posting photos at some stage again, I just seem to have gotten completely slack about it.
Love N x
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Herbal Classics 1.
Done and dusted!
That's it. Finito. I am so pleased. The exam was lucky-easy. By that I mean I got two case studies I happened to be able to answer near perfectly with corresponding formula's I knew like the back of my hand.
(Kind of. Admittedly I ran to the car after the exam to check I'd gotten all the dosages and ingredients of Fu Zi Li Zhong Tang right, and I had so...I may as well have known it like the back of my hand.)
Why was it lucky? Because had I gotten any other 2 case studies it would not have gone too well for me at all. Nope. You may think it's modesty, and actually I'd like to claim that too. Modesty.
Tomorrow is Dermatology. If that one goes as well you may want to hunt me down and pluck out my eyeballs because there's something more lucky about me than a 4 leaf clover.
Nani x
Done and dusted!
That's it. Finito. I am so pleased. The exam was lucky-easy. By that I mean I got two case studies I happened to be able to answer near perfectly with corresponding formula's I knew like the back of my hand.
(Kind of. Admittedly I ran to the car after the exam to check I'd gotten all the dosages and ingredients of Fu Zi Li Zhong Tang right, and I had so...I may as well have known it like the back of my hand.)
Why was it lucky? Because had I gotten any other 2 case studies it would not have gone too well for me at all. Nope. You may think it's modesty, and actually I'd like to claim that too. Modesty.
Tomorrow is Dermatology. If that one goes as well you may want to hunt me down and pluck out my eyeballs because there's something more lucky about me than a 4 leaf clover.
Nani x
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I went and saw my gastroenterologist today ANNND, everything is fine.
Well, I still have Chrons, obviously. And I am having an episode flare up. What I mean by everything is fine is that I didn't injure myself like I thought.
See, remember when I was raving on about the Disprin all the time? How I was dowing them like lollies? Well, it was brought to my attention that Asprin disolves in the small intestine and that it's usually contra-indicated when there are any ulcers in the stomach or anywhere.
I kind of knew this, but thought since I was drinking Disprin it was disolving in my stomach and immediately and not floating down to my small intestine.
Anyway, I got really freaked out that i'd done some damage when this episode started and along came with it a lot of uncharacteristic pain. It was really very bad and sudden onset, I contemplated going to hospital and would have had I not already known they'd do sweet fuck all about it.
Anyway, that was all just seneseless fear and paranoia because the Asprin did me no harm, in fact Dr. Davis told me if I was I can keep taking it!
Because I started treatment really quickly the steroids have already started to do their work and now we're working on getting me off them as fast as is safe. (i'll be reducing my dosage by 5ml every 5 days.) Which is so so great because I hate the fuckers.
Study is coming along slowly but is still coming along. Mama has been a life-saver and has been testing me and making me snacks and she's been so wonderful and patient. I love her, how lovely for her to sit there for hours and test me on content that's half in Chinese?! Patience of an angel!
Last night there was quite a bit of excitement because of the big storm. A little before midnight half of the power went out. It was really strange because the TV still worked (Thank god, Wimbledon started last night, it would've been a house of horrors if Mama couldn't watch.) and a lamp downstairs still worked, which was good because I was cutting out all my notes and Fabian (darling heart that he is) was helping me stick them onto pieces of card so other people can test me.
It's a fair warning to not come very near me over the next 2 weeks. I'll probably absent mindedly listen to what you're saying with glazed over eyes and then shove a wad of well constructed study notes into your hands and demand you test me.
Anyway. Fab and I made our way up the stairs into the darkness that was my upstairs and somehow managed to make the bed in the dark and just before climbing in I stepped in a giant puddle of gatorade.
See, i've been having to drink elecrolyte drinks lately because I've been losing too much fluids. I obviously didn't shut one of the bottles properly and in the dark didn't notice I'd knocked in over and created a giant sticky puddle. So, in the incredibly dim light Fabian and I were losing our shit laughing (not literally, by this stage my steroids had finally started to work.) at me hopping around the room trying to find a towel to drop into the puddle until the next day when it was bright enough to see.
Well, I finally found a towel and as I was blindly mopping up the mess i'd made all these flashing yellow lights started coming in through my window.
The trucks had arrived!! Three massive trucks were jammed into my street with these brave men being lifted high into the air to fix the power lines! I loved it! It was so cool and exciting, Fab and I stared out the window in our pyjamas until the lights all came back on and then we cheered the men outside.
It's strange to think I have such a love-hate relationship with trucks. I can't help but love some of them, fire trucks for example - they just fill me with joy! Full of brave men going to do a really important job and that truck is a big red moving machine of hope for someone. It saves lives.
Last nights trucks, big, flashing lights again came to save the day.
Then there are the trucks I hate, the big, pollution makers that are too wide to fit in one lane and that could squish my car in a second. They clog up my air and represent so much what we're doing to the environment.
Not to mention the moving truck I u-turned into a few years ago - lucky to get away with just half my car being torn off. And I mean, come on, thanks god I'm still around or you guys wouldn't have this blog to read.
Time to go back to study.
Love Nani x
Well, I still have Chrons, obviously. And I am having an episode flare up. What I mean by everything is fine is that I didn't injure myself like I thought.
See, remember when I was raving on about the Disprin all the time? How I was dowing them like lollies? Well, it was brought to my attention that Asprin disolves in the small intestine and that it's usually contra-indicated when there are any ulcers in the stomach or anywhere.
I kind of knew this, but thought since I was drinking Disprin it was disolving in my stomach and immediately and not floating down to my small intestine.
Anyway, I got really freaked out that i'd done some damage when this episode started and along came with it a lot of uncharacteristic pain. It was really very bad and sudden onset, I contemplated going to hospital and would have had I not already known they'd do sweet fuck all about it.
Anyway, that was all just seneseless fear and paranoia because the Asprin did me no harm, in fact Dr. Davis told me if I was I can keep taking it!
Because I started treatment really quickly the steroids have already started to do their work and now we're working on getting me off them as fast as is safe. (i'll be reducing my dosage by 5ml every 5 days.) Which is so so great because I hate the fuckers.
Study is coming along slowly but is still coming along. Mama has been a life-saver and has been testing me and making me snacks and she's been so wonderful and patient. I love her, how lovely for her to sit there for hours and test me on content that's half in Chinese?! Patience of an angel!
Last night there was quite a bit of excitement because of the big storm. A little before midnight half of the power went out. It was really strange because the TV still worked (Thank god, Wimbledon started last night, it would've been a house of horrors if Mama couldn't watch.) and a lamp downstairs still worked, which was good because I was cutting out all my notes and Fabian (darling heart that he is) was helping me stick them onto pieces of card so other people can test me.
It's a fair warning to not come very near me over the next 2 weeks. I'll probably absent mindedly listen to what you're saying with glazed over eyes and then shove a wad of well constructed study notes into your hands and demand you test me.
Anyway. Fab and I made our way up the stairs into the darkness that was my upstairs and somehow managed to make the bed in the dark and just before climbing in I stepped in a giant puddle of gatorade.
See, i've been having to drink elecrolyte drinks lately because I've been losing too much fluids. I obviously didn't shut one of the bottles properly and in the dark didn't notice I'd knocked in over and created a giant sticky puddle. So, in the incredibly dim light Fabian and I were losing our shit laughing (not literally, by this stage my steroids had finally started to work.) at me hopping around the room trying to find a towel to drop into the puddle until the next day when it was bright enough to see.
Well, I finally found a towel and as I was blindly mopping up the mess i'd made all these flashing yellow lights started coming in through my window.
The trucks had arrived!! Three massive trucks were jammed into my street with these brave men being lifted high into the air to fix the power lines! I loved it! It was so cool and exciting, Fab and I stared out the window in our pyjamas until the lights all came back on and then we cheered the men outside.
It's strange to think I have such a love-hate relationship with trucks. I can't help but love some of them, fire trucks for example - they just fill me with joy! Full of brave men going to do a really important job and that truck is a big red moving machine of hope for someone. It saves lives.
Last nights trucks, big, flashing lights again came to save the day.
Then there are the trucks I hate, the big, pollution makers that are too wide to fit in one lane and that could squish my car in a second. They clog up my air and represent so much what we're doing to the environment.
Not to mention the moving truck I u-turned into a few years ago - lucky to get away with just half my car being torn off. And I mean, come on, thanks god I'm still around or you guys wouldn't have this blog to read.
Time to go back to study.
Love Nani x
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Cement in my mouth.
Well, that's how it feels right now anyway. I started steroids last night to reign in the terror my chrons was unleashing on my body (and the various toilets I graced with my gorgeous butt).
I'm still seeing the specialist on tuesday but my symptoms said the steroids couldn't wait, so I'm on them in the hope that the dosage is fine and that he is just checking up and having all this on his records.
He also needs to tell me by how many g's to drop my steroids by and how often. It usually goes 40g for a week, 35g for a week, 30g for a week etc.
Luckily we got onto this flare up prettty fast and I've started on 30g.
The bad bit is that steroids are horrible motherfuckers that make you feel GROSS. It won't be long until I have steroid bloat (sexy) and from 15 minutes of taking them I had cement mouth.
Now i'm going downstairs to study with Mama because she is a freaking champ who quizes me and then makes me tiny snacks only so I can forget what we've learnt and lose the snacks the next time I go to the toilet.
<3 N x
Well, that's how it feels right now anyway. I started steroids last night to reign in the terror my chrons was unleashing on my body (and the various toilets I graced with my gorgeous butt).
I'm still seeing the specialist on tuesday but my symptoms said the steroids couldn't wait, so I'm on them in the hope that the dosage is fine and that he is just checking up and having all this on his records.
He also needs to tell me by how many g's to drop my steroids by and how often. It usually goes 40g for a week, 35g for a week, 30g for a week etc.
Luckily we got onto this flare up prettty fast and I've started on 30g.
The bad bit is that steroids are horrible motherfuckers that make you feel GROSS. It won't be long until I have steroid bloat (sexy) and from 15 minutes of taking them I had cement mouth.
Now i'm going downstairs to study with Mama because she is a freaking champ who quizes me and then makes me tiny snacks only so I can forget what we've learnt and lose the snacks the next time I go to the toilet.
<3 N x
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Seeing my specialist on Tuesday because my Chrons has reared it's ugly head a lot.
I've just been hanging around my house or Fabian's house, doing study, quizzing him, watching masterchef and of course running to the toilet to drain myself of all energy and happiness completely.
I'm very excited because tomorrow is Fabian's last exam! TA DA! Finished! Woo! I am very very proud and happy and all the rest of it and of course, how can I forget that I get to pick up the bowl I made for him from pottery tomorrow!
What perfect timing! It was fired yesterday, but because the kiln is so hot it wont be cracked open until tomorrow. It's like opening a giant hot cave (what? You don't open caves?) with the anticipation and excitement of 'will there be a dragon or treasure?!'
Of course, there isn't usually any dragons in the kiln unless someone made one out of clay, but the horror equivalent is when some dopey assed moron does the wrong thing to their clay and it explodes in the kiln.
If this happens everything else in the kiln explodes too.
Okay, it's lacking the huge teeth, spikeytail, death potential and excitement a dragon has but it's still horror am I right?
Does anyone else love officeworks as much as I do? Okay stupid question, that's like asking 'does anyone else love Ikea as much as I do' Firstly it's subjective, but secondly ofcourse you do, everyone does.
Well, I *excited qiggle* have an excuse to go. BOOYA! I need a computer mouse (if officeworks doesn't stock these don't tell me. You're robbing me of incentive.) and, *rubbing hands in glee* some kind of wonderful gadget I don't know exists yet but that HOLDS TOGETHER those lined card things.
Yeah. I know. Awesome right? I get to discover a new gadget and before you say it NOOO A BULLDOG CLIP WILL NOT SUFFICE. Neither will a paper clip.
And the reason I need one of these yet to be discovered gadgets is because I inexplainably write all of my study notes on these lined card paper things. I like it. It makes my study seem more bite sized.
Nani x
I've just been hanging around my house or Fabian's house, doing study, quizzing him, watching masterchef and of course running to the toilet to drain myself of all energy and happiness completely.
I'm very excited because tomorrow is Fabian's last exam! TA DA! Finished! Woo! I am very very proud and happy and all the rest of it and of course, how can I forget that I get to pick up the bowl I made for him from pottery tomorrow!
What perfect timing! It was fired yesterday, but because the kiln is so hot it wont be cracked open until tomorrow. It's like opening a giant hot cave (what? You don't open caves?) with the anticipation and excitement of 'will there be a dragon or treasure?!'
Of course, there isn't usually any dragons in the kiln unless someone made one out of clay, but the horror equivalent is when some dopey assed moron does the wrong thing to their clay and it explodes in the kiln.
If this happens everything else in the kiln explodes too.
Okay, it's lacking the huge teeth, spikeytail, death potential and excitement a dragon has but it's still horror am I right?
Does anyone else love officeworks as much as I do? Okay stupid question, that's like asking 'does anyone else love Ikea as much as I do' Firstly it's subjective, but secondly ofcourse you do, everyone does.
Well, I *excited qiggle* have an excuse to go. BOOYA! I need a computer mouse (if officeworks doesn't stock these don't tell me. You're robbing me of incentive.) and, *rubbing hands in glee* some kind of wonderful gadget I don't know exists yet but that HOLDS TOGETHER those lined card things.
Yeah. I know. Awesome right? I get to discover a new gadget and before you say it NOOO A BULLDOG CLIP WILL NOT SUFFICE. Neither will a paper clip.
And the reason I need one of these yet to be discovered gadgets is because I inexplainably write all of my study notes on these lined card paper things. I like it. It makes my study seem more bite sized.
Nani x
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Dear readers, hello!
How is your morning going? Hopefully you're snug in bed, warm, watching Star Trek Voyager or eating scones with cream and jam.
That is what I wish for you.
I am sitting at my sisters house, cold - as is expected when it's winter and the door next to me is open.
Oh, why is the door next to me open you may ask. It is open because Peter the tradie is drilling very loudly outside the door and he needs the power point next to me to do so.
Why is it that I am here and not my sister? Because she is at work and well over a week ago I agreed to come here and keep an eye on the rascal Peter and NOT be at home to sign off on my Ipod which I stupidly asked them to deliver today.
Yes! It's true! I am well and truly a moron.
It's times like this that I often berate myself for having a diary and using it for nothing at all important and rather filling it with information like 'see if Nova will make honey joys TODAY'.
(She did. Make honey joys on that day, by the way.)
So, I'm here at totally my own fault and that makes me grumpy.
What makes me more grumpy is that Peter can't read the time and is asking me to alert him every 40 minutes so he can go move his car. This prevents me from snoozing on the couch, watching a movie, and doing anything else that involves me not keeping a track of the time.
Something I would love to be doing right now because the more I look at the clock the more anxious I get that the couriers will get to my house and try to deliver my ipod. Sadly it's not Australia Post that's delivering my ipod. If it was, i'd come home to a note saying
'Sorry We Missed You!' typed in a really cheery font (I don't know how a cheery font is possible but it is) with each word capitalised to emphasise how sorry they truly are.
Instead the ominous sounding TNT delivery people are going to be at my house today.
Perhaps that's the penalty for not being there after you ask them to re-deliver a second time - they explode your house.
Poor Billie and Frieda.
Also in my haste to get here on time I left all my study stuff at home. *sigh*
The reason it was hard to jump out of my warm bed and hurry over here in time is because I was in bed LATE. Like...ALMOST MIDNIGHT.
Want to know why? I bet you do!
It's because I was at the Kylie Minogue concert. BOOYA!
My sister took me because she's really nice and loves me and always takes me to things that she can bring guests to/gets free tickets for. YEP.
So off we went, Kylie! Kylie! Kylie...why are your songs so RUBBISH?
The costumes were a.m.a.z.i.n.g, as was the set and the dancers were gods dressed as men, and apparently the concert cost $25 millz to put on.
But all that could only sometimes draw attention away from her absolute shithouse songs.
Shithouse. Rubbish.
The performance was fun, and it was great to go to. We had good seats and it was amazing to see all these people that treated her as though she indeed was Aphrodite (as her tour was aptly named). Though more amazing to see how much she believed it herself!
She was dressed as a goddess the whole time and showed up on stage in incredible ways - Out of a giant shell, on a giant golden pegasus, just to name two. Then she flew over the crowd on the back of a beautiful, gigantic man who had angel wings. (He was real.)
There were water fountains that splashed the crowd and during some stages of the concert I felt I was watching soft-core gay porn. Kylie knows that a huge percentage of her army of fans are gay men and she DELIVERS. Sexy almost naked men playing each others butts like bongos.
I'm serious.
I wish I could figure out how to work my sisters Mac because I would post photos. I will add this later at home I promise.
So, just now something potentially horrible happened.
While I was happily typing away about Kylie, Peter asks to use the bathroom. I say 'sure'.
3 minutes later I hear my sisters dogs barking, though they sounded somewhat far away. I turn around to see that Peter had, after going to the toilet I presume, left the building and the front door open.
I run out into the hall way. (my sister lives in an apartment building on a main road) and to my total horror he's left the massive door to the outside world open with a brick and they'd escaped.
WHAT A MORON. I was running around like an idiot, searching for them thinking at any moment I'd see them dead on the road when luckily a woman who lives nearby who has a dog recognised them from the park and somehow got them back into the apartment hallway.
I am absolutely shaking, I want to kill the man. What an imbecile. He didn't even tell me he was leaving the house, I heard him go into the bathroom, that's where I thought he was all along!!
N x
How is your morning going? Hopefully you're snug in bed, warm, watching Star Trek Voyager or eating scones with cream and jam.
That is what I wish for you.
I am sitting at my sisters house, cold - as is expected when it's winter and the door next to me is open.
Oh, why is the door next to me open you may ask. It is open because Peter the tradie is drilling very loudly outside the door and he needs the power point next to me to do so.
Why is it that I am here and not my sister? Because she is at work and well over a week ago I agreed to come here and keep an eye on the rascal Peter and NOT be at home to sign off on my Ipod which I stupidly asked them to deliver today.
Yes! It's true! I am well and truly a moron.
It's times like this that I often berate myself for having a diary and using it for nothing at all important and rather filling it with information like 'see if Nova will make honey joys TODAY'.
(She did. Make honey joys on that day, by the way.)
So, I'm here at totally my own fault and that makes me grumpy.
What makes me more grumpy is that Peter can't read the time and is asking me to alert him every 40 minutes so he can go move his car. This prevents me from snoozing on the couch, watching a movie, and doing anything else that involves me not keeping a track of the time.
Something I would love to be doing right now because the more I look at the clock the more anxious I get that the couriers will get to my house and try to deliver my ipod. Sadly it's not Australia Post that's delivering my ipod. If it was, i'd come home to a note saying
'Sorry We Missed You!' typed in a really cheery font (I don't know how a cheery font is possible but it is) with each word capitalised to emphasise how sorry they truly are.
Instead the ominous sounding TNT delivery people are going to be at my house today.
Perhaps that's the penalty for not being there after you ask them to re-deliver a second time - they explode your house.
Poor Billie and Frieda.
Also in my haste to get here on time I left all my study stuff at home. *sigh*
The reason it was hard to jump out of my warm bed and hurry over here in time is because I was in bed LATE. Like...ALMOST MIDNIGHT.
Want to know why? I bet you do!
It's because I was at the Kylie Minogue concert. BOOYA!
My sister took me because she's really nice and loves me and always takes me to things that she can bring guests to/gets free tickets for. YEP.
So off we went, Kylie! Kylie! Kylie...why are your songs so RUBBISH?
The costumes were a.m.a.z.i.n.g, as was the set and the dancers were gods dressed as men, and apparently the concert cost $25 millz to put on.
But all that could only sometimes draw attention away from her absolute shithouse songs.
Shithouse. Rubbish.
The performance was fun, and it was great to go to. We had good seats and it was amazing to see all these people that treated her as though she indeed was Aphrodite (as her tour was aptly named). Though more amazing to see how much she believed it herself!
She was dressed as a goddess the whole time and showed up on stage in incredible ways - Out of a giant shell, on a giant golden pegasus, just to name two. Then she flew over the crowd on the back of a beautiful, gigantic man who had angel wings. (He was real.)
There were water fountains that splashed the crowd and during some stages of the concert I felt I was watching soft-core gay porn. Kylie knows that a huge percentage of her army of fans are gay men and she DELIVERS. Sexy almost naked men playing each others butts like bongos.
I'm serious.
I wish I could figure out how to work my sisters Mac because I would post photos. I will add this later at home I promise.
So, just now something potentially horrible happened.
While I was happily typing away about Kylie, Peter asks to use the bathroom. I say 'sure'.
3 minutes later I hear my sisters dogs barking, though they sounded somewhat far away. I turn around to see that Peter had, after going to the toilet I presume, left the building and the front door open.
I run out into the hall way. (my sister lives in an apartment building on a main road) and to my total horror he's left the massive door to the outside world open with a brick and they'd escaped.
WHAT A MORON. I was running around like an idiot, searching for them thinking at any moment I'd see them dead on the road when luckily a woman who lives nearby who has a dog recognised them from the park and somehow got them back into the apartment hallway.
I am absolutely shaking, I want to kill the man. What an imbecile. He didn't even tell me he was leaving the house, I heard him go into the bathroom, that's where I thought he was all along!!
N x
Saturday, June 11, 2011
It's study time and you should know that this also means eating either: too much, too little, junk, healthy snacks and random instant soups from the cupboards.
Tonight is pizza night because Mama is having a little party at our house and that means I'm studying at Fabians.
Apparently there have been quite a few solar flares lately, so if there have been any unusual or disruptive occurances in your lives do not be alarmed. Well, actually, be alarmed if the disruptive circmstances include your house spontaneously catching fire or something. Just know that the time for disruptiveness is almost over.
That was a little mystical, wasn't it? I think i'm good at it. I wish I knew astrology - I would rock the shit out of writing horoscopes.
There is this practitioner I heard of today who practices remote kinesiology. That means, he can do healing/alignments etc from his home in the country. He sends emails to all of his patients saying things like 'Please stay away from the bay today, there is a major magnetic disruption that is going to come through that way today.'
The lady that told me about it lives in Hampton (on the bay) so she couldn't really escape the place, instead she stayed indoors and was quiet all day.
My first exam is on Monday though it's just a 15 minute practical, so while it counts I don't feel like it's truly the beginning of my exam period. I still have a week after that to study etc before it all really starts.
Today I ate 3 golden kiwis and they were superb. Anyone who hasn't tried the golden variety of kiwis is missing out. They are easily the superior of the 2 kinds of kiwi I have tried.
Nani x
Tonight is pizza night because Mama is having a little party at our house and that means I'm studying at Fabians.
Apparently there have been quite a few solar flares lately, so if there have been any unusual or disruptive occurances in your lives do not be alarmed. Well, actually, be alarmed if the disruptive circmstances include your house spontaneously catching fire or something. Just know that the time for disruptiveness is almost over.
That was a little mystical, wasn't it? I think i'm good at it. I wish I knew astrology - I would rock the shit out of writing horoscopes.
There is this practitioner I heard of today who practices remote kinesiology. That means, he can do healing/alignments etc from his home in the country. He sends emails to all of his patients saying things like 'Please stay away from the bay today, there is a major magnetic disruption that is going to come through that way today.'
The lady that told me about it lives in Hampton (on the bay) so she couldn't really escape the place, instead she stayed indoors and was quiet all day.
My first exam is on Monday though it's just a 15 minute practical, so while it counts I don't feel like it's truly the beginning of my exam period. I still have a week after that to study etc before it all really starts.
Today I ate 3 golden kiwis and they were superb. Anyone who hasn't tried the golden variety of kiwis is missing out. They are easily the superior of the 2 kinds of kiwi I have tried.
Nani x
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I went to the orthodontist this morning because I was a little suspicious at how much my bottom teeth have moved since I got my braces off all those years ago.
He told me he can put the braces back onto my bottom teeth because, yes, they have moved. For less than 6 months and then i'll get one of those bands on the inside of my teeth to keep them that way.
Yeah, so I might have to do that - I may as well do it now, when they're only a little wonky and it'll take only 6 months to fix. Rather then wait for them to be bad and be equipped with a metal mouth when i'm trying to set up my own practice/clinic.
Now when I was brainstorming way's to convince my clientelle that I am in fact old enough to have finished and be practising Chinese Medicine, braces just didn't come into my mind - I wonder why...
I feel exhausted and really ready for this semester to be over.
Posts will be sporadic depending on if i'm actually studying or if i'm blogging to run away from studying.
<3 N x
He told me he can put the braces back onto my bottom teeth because, yes, they have moved. For less than 6 months and then i'll get one of those bands on the inside of my teeth to keep them that way.
Yeah, so I might have to do that - I may as well do it now, when they're only a little wonky and it'll take only 6 months to fix. Rather then wait for them to be bad and be equipped with a metal mouth when i'm trying to set up my own practice/clinic.
Now when I was brainstorming way's to convince my clientelle that I am in fact old enough to have finished and be practising Chinese Medicine, braces just didn't come into my mind - I wonder why...
I feel exhausted and really ready for this semester to be over.
Posts will be sporadic depending on if i'm actually studying or if i'm blogging to run away from studying.
<3 N x
Friday, June 3, 2011
Say A Command
Shut up blackberry!
Anyone who has a blackberry will know what i'm talking about. That 'Say a command' voice is the most annoying thing ever. It hardly happens on the new blackberry, cause I don't even know which button sets it off, but this means I haven't bothered to de-activate the voice from saying that really loudly when it's pressed.
I'm in my dermatology class, listening to a really boring presentation one of my peers is giving. I go to put my phone in my bag and BANG I press the mysterious button and loud as anything my phone says in it's robot voice
'Say a command.'
Everyone thinks i'm some weird SnM robot now, cause it sounded like the voice came from me. Great.
This is a plate I made in pottery, I gave it to my sister this morning:

That is all.
Nani x
Anyone who has a blackberry will know what i'm talking about. That 'Say a command' voice is the most annoying thing ever. It hardly happens on the new blackberry, cause I don't even know which button sets it off, but this means I haven't bothered to de-activate the voice from saying that really loudly when it's pressed.
I'm in my dermatology class, listening to a really boring presentation one of my peers is giving. I go to put my phone in my bag and BANG I press the mysterious button and loud as anything my phone says in it's robot voice
'Say a command.'
Everyone thinks i'm some weird SnM robot now, cause it sounded like the voice came from me. Great.
This is a plate I made in pottery, I gave it to my sister this morning:

That is all.
Nani x
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Write Off
Today was a complete write off!
Well, not exactly a write off, but it just did not go how I planned at all.
I was in one of those luscious deep sleeps that I don't think an alarm would've gotten me up from. I was instead woken up gently by Fabian, who'd already gotten up and had a shower. What?! I wake up to the sound of the tv or kettle being turned on downstairs and even to the smell of cigarette smoke.
Weird. Then I went to the gym, which was probably my only successful venture. It started off not being anything special, I was having a sook over how sore I was thanks to yesterday's triumphant return to the gym.
But then the guy that works there, his name is Joe Love - I kid not. Who's usually dressed in work gear and some lamo cap, walks passed me dressed instead in a singlet and shorts in order to work out.
That inspired me to be much better looking. So, once I picked my jaw up off the floor, I upped my weights by 5kg and started pumping them out and going 'ARRRRGHHHHHHHH' when I was lifting them.
If you don't know the sound i'm describing, I suggest paying attention to the next weight lifting competition or the olympic games - I pay homage to the pros.
No really, Fabian is delighted I actually scream out at the gym, he can't believe I'm not too shy to. Let's be honest, you'd have to be some sort of massive freak to bench 13kg without shouting it out.
Anyway, then I went to Chadstone to buy myself an ipod. I thought i'd done adequate research. I knew I wanted an orange one. It was going to be a nano. 8 gigs. I even knew which cable I wanted to buy that would connect my ipod to my cd player! That's some pretty good research you may say, BUT YOU'D BE WRONG.
So I go into the shop, I tackle one of the people dressed in blue (If you've never been to the Apple shop at Chadstone I suggest going, it's a wonder.) that are running around at the speed of light. There are about 50 people working there ALL occupied with something.
Anyway, I get Marvin (perfect name for someone working in such a futuristic shop. Amiright?) and I say 'Hello, can I please buy an orange nano ipod 8gig please?' (Yes I often say 'please' and 'thank you' one too many times in the one sentance.)
Off he goes, gets it for me, and then asks me why I'm buying the cable. OH MAN, this unleashed the terror. He was so kind, he didn't sell me anything. Once he discovered I had no idea what I was talking about he spent almost an HOUR with me teaching me all about i-pods and he's even getting me to take a photo of the back of my cd player so he can sell me the right cable.
What a guy!
Then, off I go to uni. Or so I thought.
I got lost. I got so turned around it wasn't funny. Before I go on can I mention that Uni and Chadstone are two places I frequent - A LOT? As I was driving I was thinking how spectacular a day it was! Everything is so sunny and bright, and then I was in the city. What?
So I turned around and then I was on Dandenong Road right back near Chadstone. Whoops.
Turn back around...and I won't bore you with the story, but I never made it to uni. I'm pretty certain I was experiencing a pain-free migraine. I was photo-sensitive 'Oh how bright everything is!' and disorineted and by the time I got home (finally) I was right because I did eventually get the pain.
Pretty funny in the end, though a little scary while it's happening. I felt like I was going through time portals and ending up in all these familiar places but never quite where I wanted to be.
Anyway, I'm at Fabian's now and my migraine has been dealt with and i'm in a brilliant mood! I'm excited about what i'm working on in pottery, though I can't talk about it on here because it's a present for Fabian's graduation.
But I am feeling good about it and my timetable for next semester rocks. Though I'm in a bit of a predicament:
I can do a 4th year subject to make my work load easier when i'm actually doing 4th year next year. That's a plus! The downfall is that the only subject I can do (thanks to timetable clash and pre-requisites) is Integrated Pharmacology/Phytochemistry and that sounds HARD.
There is no point in doing a fourth year subject if I'm going to fail it.
That being said, am I really going to be much smarter in a years time? And also, maybe it's better for me to fail it now (if i'm destined to) so then by the time I am in fourth year i'm just re-doing it - which is easier and it means I won't be failing it in 4th year.
Failing something in 4th year is the worst thing that could happen, by the way. It would mean having to wait another year before I graduate. Bad.
So, what do you think?
Love N x
Well, not exactly a write off, but it just did not go how I planned at all.
I was in one of those luscious deep sleeps that I don't think an alarm would've gotten me up from. I was instead woken up gently by Fabian, who'd already gotten up and had a shower. What?! I wake up to the sound of the tv or kettle being turned on downstairs and even to the smell of cigarette smoke.
Weird. Then I went to the gym, which was probably my only successful venture. It started off not being anything special, I was having a sook over how sore I was thanks to yesterday's triumphant return to the gym.
But then the guy that works there, his name is Joe Love - I kid not. Who's usually dressed in work gear and some lamo cap, walks passed me dressed instead in a singlet and shorts in order to work out.
That inspired me to be much better looking. So, once I picked my jaw up off the floor, I upped my weights by 5kg and started pumping them out and going 'ARRRRGHHHHHHHH' when I was lifting them.
If you don't know the sound i'm describing, I suggest paying attention to the next weight lifting competition or the olympic games - I pay homage to the pros.
No really, Fabian is delighted I actually scream out at the gym, he can't believe I'm not too shy to. Let's be honest, you'd have to be some sort of massive freak to bench 13kg without shouting it out.
Anyway, then I went to Chadstone to buy myself an ipod. I thought i'd done adequate research. I knew I wanted an orange one. It was going to be a nano. 8 gigs. I even knew which cable I wanted to buy that would connect my ipod to my cd player! That's some pretty good research you may say, BUT YOU'D BE WRONG.
So I go into the shop, I tackle one of the people dressed in blue (If you've never been to the Apple shop at Chadstone I suggest going, it's a wonder.) that are running around at the speed of light. There are about 50 people working there ALL occupied with something.
Anyway, I get Marvin (perfect name for someone working in such a futuristic shop. Amiright?) and I say 'Hello, can I please buy an orange nano ipod 8gig please?' (Yes I often say 'please' and 'thank you' one too many times in the one sentance.)
Off he goes, gets it for me, and then asks me why I'm buying the cable. OH MAN, this unleashed the terror. He was so kind, he didn't sell me anything. Once he discovered I had no idea what I was talking about he spent almost an HOUR with me teaching me all about i-pods and he's even getting me to take a photo of the back of my cd player so he can sell me the right cable.
What a guy!
Then, off I go to uni. Or so I thought.
I got lost. I got so turned around it wasn't funny. Before I go on can I mention that Uni and Chadstone are two places I frequent - A LOT? As I was driving I was thinking how spectacular a day it was! Everything is so sunny and bright, and then I was in the city. What?
So I turned around and then I was on Dandenong Road right back near Chadstone. Whoops.
Turn back around...and I won't bore you with the story, but I never made it to uni. I'm pretty certain I was experiencing a pain-free migraine. I was photo-sensitive 'Oh how bright everything is!' and disorineted and by the time I got home (finally) I was right because I did eventually get the pain.
Pretty funny in the end, though a little scary while it's happening. I felt like I was going through time portals and ending up in all these familiar places but never quite where I wanted to be.
Anyway, I'm at Fabian's now and my migraine has been dealt with and i'm in a brilliant mood! I'm excited about what i'm working on in pottery, though I can't talk about it on here because it's a present for Fabian's graduation.
But I am feeling good about it and my timetable for next semester rocks. Though I'm in a bit of a predicament:
I can do a 4th year subject to make my work load easier when i'm actually doing 4th year next year. That's a plus! The downfall is that the only subject I can do (thanks to timetable clash and pre-requisites) is Integrated Pharmacology/Phytochemistry and that sounds HARD.
There is no point in doing a fourth year subject if I'm going to fail it.
That being said, am I really going to be much smarter in a years time? And also, maybe it's better for me to fail it now (if i'm destined to) so then by the time I am in fourth year i'm just re-doing it - which is easier and it means I won't be failing it in 4th year.
Failing something in 4th year is the worst thing that could happen, by the way. It would mean having to wait another year before I graduate. Bad.
So, what do you think?
Love N x
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