Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I went to the orthodontist this morning because I was a little suspicious at how much my bottom teeth have moved since I got my braces off all those years ago.

He told me he can put the braces back onto my bottom teeth because, yes, they have moved. For less than 6 months and then i'll get one of those bands on the inside of my teeth to keep them that way.


Yeah, so I might have to do that - I may as well do it now, when they're only a little wonky and it'll take only 6 months to fix. Rather then wait for them to be bad and be equipped with a metal mouth when i'm trying to set up my own practice/clinic.

Now when I was brainstorming way's to convince my clientelle that I am in fact old enough to have finished and be practising Chinese Medicine, braces just didn't come into my mind - I wonder why...

I feel exhausted and really ready for this semester to be over.

Posts will be sporadic depending on if i'm actually studying or if i'm blogging to run away from studying.

<3 N x