Monday, April 2, 2012

Cleaning my room and wondering 'Why the hell is he still my boyfriend?'

I am aware that I owe you all a post about Women of Letters, Le Gateau Chocolat and my turban experience. However I don't feel like doing any of those things right now, so i'm going to write the blog that feels like being written.

Last week I let myself into Fabians house, walked straight passed him and fell, plank like, onto his bed. When he came in and sat down next to me I started crying. 'What in earth is wrong?' he asked me.

In a voice muffled by pillow I responded 'I've run out of underwear.'

'Are you wearing any right now?''

I nodded, smudging my mascara into his pillow case, 'I'm wearing some of yours.'

This is the sort of thing that happens when I am busy 6 days a week and spend my 1 day off frantically trying to catch up with friends. I lose the time to even do my laundry and my upstairs slowly becomes a den.

Of course, because Fabian is amazing his response to the fact that i'd thieved his underwear, after sighing and stroking my head, was 'let's spend all of Sunday just cleaning your upstairs and doing your laundry.'

So Sunday morning arrived and after what seemed to be my first sleep in for what felt like forever I turned on my phone and learned that it was 8:09am. Fabian was awake and was watching me in a totally non-creepy adoring sort of way which he tends to do most mornings leading me to question if he is normal. I shimmied over to where he was and spent the next while listenng simultaneously to his heart beat and to his voice reassuringly tell me all the things that, in his mind, make up my identity,

Now may be an appropriate time to explain that this is a relatively normal morning for us, we usually like to get the identity crisis issues along with the 'I'm-fat' crying sessions out of the way before breakfast.

' are so strong willed, almost too much so but that is something I love most about you. You also love being arou- Natalija. I think there is a worm on your ceiling.'.

I looked up to where his gaze was fixed and couldn't see anything but the great white expanse that was ceiling. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and snuggled back into my former position.

'There is another one' he says, pointing.

Annoyed that our morning discussion had been interrupted by invisible worms, I distangled myself from him and groped around for my glasses. I found them, wedged between my matress and bed frame where they night after night reside and yet somehow manage to stay intact. I crammed them onto my nose and saw the ceiling with sudden 20-20 clarity.

'Those are maggots, Fabian. Not worms.'

This is the point in the story where I could explain the perfectly good reason behind me having maggots in my room but i've been warned that ' sound immensly crazy when you try and justify something like that Natalija.', and so I won't bother. I will however admit that it was a GOOD CALL to spend Sunday cleaning my room.

I would also like to take this moment in time to reassure you all that the source of maggots has been removed, every inch of my room vacuumed and thoroughly cleaned to such an extent that even the insides of all of my sets of drawers recieved a clean.

Mum, there really is no need to keep calling the CAT team, I am quite alright now. What I like to refer to as my maggot-driven-cleaning-hysteria passed at the point when I threw out half of my possesions whilst screaming 'it's all unclean!'.

I will no longer be neglecting my household duties in order to cram in seeing friends, work and uni. Emptying a bin with a piece of fruit in it should not be a mammoth task for which I have no time, neither should making sure I have enough clean undies for every day of the week.

If I am too busy to spend my time with y'all, please rest assured it's because I'm battling maggots, doing laundry, watching transexual opera, enjoying the company of my books and doing whatever else it takes to keep me sane this year. A year in which I will aim to stay healthy, keep blogging, earn some money and finish my degree. I'm proud of me for putting myself first, it's all I could wish for anyone to do. Hopefully you're cheering me on and not being a hater.

Love Nani x