This was very different to what I expected.
Instead of going to the strippers we went to a life-drawing class. That kept the traditional naked man element but managed to make it classy. (Good work Nova!)
I had such a good time doing the drawing. I have to admit to when the guy took his pants off I was really glad he was facing away from me (we were in a circle, so some of the other girls got a look full frontal). I was much more comfortable with butt.
After we did our first few sets of pictures we all took a break and the model put on some rather small bonds underwear and chatted away with us all. Next thing I know, his attention is firmly fixed on talking to me about everything and anything (and I mean he barely paused for breath) and all the other girls have not so subtly run off to the other side of the room.
Thanks girls.
So, while I listened to him talk about his opera singing background, how he loves children and how now only sings for his church. I was trying really hard to ignore the fact that he was simultaneously playing with his nipples and trying to convince me to be the one to have children with him.*
*he may not have actually asked me to do that, but he totally had a crush on me and wanted my babies. If you don't believe me, keep reading.
Then we went back to the next round of drawing. This is when the man running the show told us we could spend 7 minutes focusing on detail for this new pose the model had struck.
As soon as he said that, model turned full frontal towards me, legs spread and hands on hips. I needed to spend a minute of two hiding behind my easel to compose myself at this stage.
Then he just kept talking and talking and it was really weird him complementing me on the rosary beads I was wearing while I was drawing his nakedness. Oh and also the fact that HIS PENIS WAS FACING ME. That was really weird too.
At the end of the session, he spent much time talking to me again and asked to smell my rosary beads, which I let him do but felt was super weird. This entire conversation was happening in front of my easel where I had taken the time to draw sack as well as penis by the way. Very embarrassing.
Then he said:
'I like your hair. What do you call it?'
This is where I decided my day had gotten too weird, and as I stood there trying to figure out if my answer should be 'Gregory' or 'Charles' he says:
'Brunette! I knew I'd remember it. How long is it?'
My hair was out so it was very obvious how long it was so I just pointed to where it, you know...ended, which seemed, i thought, the only answer I was capable of.
I left there with his card. It says-
Life model
At least I now know that there exists someone who will pose nude at my mothers funeral when the time comes. Thank god.
After everyone laughed at me a great deal we went and ate Mexican food which was SO good.
The end.
Oh fine, here's a photo.
Come on, You didn't think I'd post a picture of a naked dude on here did you? One the floor next to me you can see a picture of his bum. That's all you're getting. This isn't a pornography blog you know.
Love Nani x