I am currently sitting at Deakin uni and I am so excited. So so so much has happened to me lately and I have been feeling very happy.
Since we last spoke, I have finished exams, discovered a gall bladder full of stones, realised even my liver was fat, have made a gigantic change in my diet and exercise regime, have cleaned my entire upstairs, watched my strawberries ripen then die because I wasn't allowed to eat them, and, AND, AND JUST NOW THIS VERY PAST HOUR.
I may have stumbled upon something quite great.
A job, a job that I wasn't even really looking for. A job, that were it not advertised as 3 days a week I would have just wistfully looked at and dismissed.
But it is. Advertised as 3 days a week that is. $40,000. And it involves doing something I think I'd be really really good at about a cause I'm pretty passionate about.
This puts me in a bit of an excited dilemma. Do I go for this job, that there is a relatively high chance I won't get because I don't quite fit all the criteria. Where I will have to juggle my final year of uni, probably take on 2 summer school subjects just to have the time to breathe and maybe LOVE IT...
Do I play it safe, let this one pass and really focus on school and doing well and not risk doing a shitty job about something I care about that is a 14 month contract.
Let me ruminate for a while.
Here are some strawberries.

Oh and here is my friend Lorelei's blog to amuse you while I think on my dilemma, she's amazing.