So as you will all remember (because you're just such good avid readers) I was still sick last week and went back to school for my 12 hour day. I then decided to skip my Friday class and do fun stuff instead.
I went to pottery and started making a new bowl (which got totally out of control and has become some totally massive wonky ass thing), my current creations are in the kiln and should be ready this Friday so I will hopefully have new things to show you. That reminds me, did I ever show you guys a picture of the bowl I made Fabian all that time ago?
In panels 1 and 2 you can see the gorgeous that is my bowl making and in panel 3 you can see Fabian appreciating my gift as it is placed thoughtfully underneath a chess board between a billion cds.
You'll have to click the picture to see it properly...

Then Fab and I went to a Denim party. Great idea, am I right? It was my friend Alie's boyfriends 24th and it was really fun. There was dancing and sausages (not dancing sausages, ones for eating and this isn't where I start talking about the porn part of my weekend.) and we got to see Casey's beautiful outside area.
He's a landscape gardener, one of his brothers in a carpenter and together they've made this beautiful outside with trees/plants/decking and it just looks like it's out of a magazine.
I'm going to have 5 sons and they will all have a different trade and they will build me a palace.
Anyway, I was still feeling pretty sickly so we left there after we danced to a whole CD compilation of 90s music and I fell into a very happy sleep.
Saturday morning we got rugged up and headed down to Karkarook park where there was a community planting day. We figure we spend quite a bit of time down there and we love it and looking after our public green spaces is totally down our alley so...

There were 30 of us volunteers and in a couple of hours we'd planted 1,900 saplings. You should've seen me, the pride was palpable.
So, then it was time for Pitch n Putt; a not quite mini, definatelly not full sized, golf course. We went with some friends and it was totally awesome. Our friend Craig lost his ball 3 times because he's a massive muscle machine and kept accidentally hitting the ball out of the entire course. (I won't lie by saying I wasn't scared for my life a few times when his aim was off!)
We'd planned to go home with our friends and have a bbq at Fabian's place only to be told...there was actually a party going on at Fabian's because his step-dad turned 50 and the party was a little spontaneous and we weren't told about it until 2 hours before it started.
Of course, his family it rad so we were all welcome and it just turned into a quite big bbq with cake and baby Audrey. We all know that Audrey makes the freaking party a party.
His sister Zoe makes gorgeous cakes and because Cameron (Fabian's stepdad) is a massive fan of Promite she made him a Promite cake...obviously not promite falvoured.
Here is what promite looks like:

This was the cake:

There are upsides and downsides to this cake however and I need to be completely honest when reviewing things on this blog. (This is my first ever re-viewing of anything, if you want anything reviewed PLEASE dear 1,000,000 just comment me. I'll see it because i only need to wade through 5,000 comments. And by 5,000 I mean 5.)
So, the upside of the cake: It WAS NOT made of promite, there was no promite filling, icing or promite of anything else to be seen. It was delicious chocolate sponge and had this thick delicious white chocolate stuff with chocolate chips inside.
The downside of the cake: It was huge and it was at my disposal and I think i'm about one mouthful of white chocolate stuff away from having diabetes. Thanks Zoe.
Other than that? No downsides.
On Sunday we realised that we had left our jumpers at the golf course because we are responsible adults. On our way to go get them we stopped by Zoe's place and got to hang with Audrey, yes that's twice in the one weekend.
She makes me very happy. It's cool getting to see Zoe so much more too, and that is not just because I want to keep her as my cake making slave in the basement I don't have.
Now I wish I had a basement, that Fritzl dude totes knew what he was doing.
Anyway, on the Sunday we hung out at Karkarook park and then watched Million Dollar Baby and Zach and Miri Make a Porno. (That's the only porn in my entire weekend but I figured I had to get you hooked at the start.)
Oh, and Fab just picked me a violet because he's a freaking darling.

And that's it! That was my wonderful weekend.
Love Nani xx