Tuesday, July 26, 2011


So we saved a cat because we're superheroes.

We were driving along East Boundary Road which is 4 lanes divided by a median strip when Fab goes;

'Nani. Slow down. Nani, stop. Nani THERE IS A CAT.'

So, I slow down, barely enough because I assumed by the time I got to where the cat was it would've run right acroos. Alas no, the cat was very slowly coming to a complete stop right in front of my car.

The cars behind me were getting all annoyed and were beeping and stuff, so I tentatively go 'beep.' One tiny little beep just to make the cat run, to which it turned towards my car and kind of turned it's head to one side curiously.

It then took a few small steps to the right, then to the left and then finally decided slowly to hop up onto the median strip.

We continued driving and I realised 'that cat won't make it off the median strip' so we chuck a u-ie and I park near where the cat was and put on the hazards and Fabian gets out to find the cat.

He finds it, just standing there, doing not much in the grass and he starts circling it in a very Steve Irwin fashion determining how 'dangerous' the cat was. Eventually he picks it up and comes into the car where the cat immediately lies down on his lap and starts to purr.

Dangerous indeed.

The cat had only 1 eye (an old operation) and was very well looked after. It was really clean and super soft like it had been brushed every day of it's life. It had a collar and was registered so we pulled over into a nearby street and called the mobile number on the collar to no avail.

We couldn't just let it back onto the street because it obviously had a death wish with how slowly it was crossing the road so we took it to the Emergency Vet that saved both my dogs, Frieda and Billie, in the past.

They were lovely and the cat was microchipped so it didn't take long to find the home number of the owners. The cat's remaining eye had a massive cataract on it and after doing some clapping tests the vet nurse realised the cat was not only completely blind, but profoundly deaf too.

No wonder it didn't respond to the beeping of my car! Anyway, the owners had been super stressed out that their cat was missing - the guy had been on a conference call so our calls weren't getting through.

Turns out they lived in the street we'd initially parked in when we were trying to call them so we offered to drive the cat home. It was on the way anyway.

The people were lovely but I was secretly sad we didn't get to keep the 1 eyed deaf cat. I really liked him and that's a pretty big deal because I don't usually like cats.

Nani x